Saturday, September 24, 2011

KREMLIN Moskwa Russia

The Kremlin is a historic fortress in central Moscow was built of brick in the 15th century. The length of the wall more than 2 km, height up to 19 m, width 3.5 to 6.5 m, breadth of 27.5 ha. The Kremlin has 20 towers. The most famous of them is Spasskaya Tower (height 67.3 m) in diameter at 6 m. In the Kremlin there is the old relics like the churches with cemeteries-czar czar of Russia. Here too there is a hall where there are weapons in a variety of heirlooms, including horse-drawn carriage, crown, clothes, jewelry and weapons belonging to the tsar.Kremlin, Moscow, not just the center of the Russian government. Nor is it merely a fortified...

PETRA Jordan (7 Wonders of the New World)

Petra (from πέτρα petra, "rock" in Greek; Arabic: البتراء, al-Bitrā) is a arkeologikal sites in Jordan, located in the lowlands between the mountains which form the eastern wing of Wadi Araba, the large valley originated from Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. Petra is a city founded by chiseling stone walls in Jordan. Petra comes from the Greek word meaning 'rock'. Petra is the symbol and protection techniques.Petra is a city founded by chiseling on stone walls in Jordan. Petra is a Greek word which means 'stone'.Petra is the symbol and protection techniques. This word refers to the city building made ​​of stone-batudi Wandi Araba, a...

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